Latest News

Telespazio UK through recently acquired company, e2E, wins UniCore contract with ESA

Telespazio UK, a subsidiary of Telespazio (a joint venture between Leonardo, 67%, and Thales, 33%) is delighted to announce that it has been awarded the UniCore contract through e2E group. The contract, awarded by the European Space Agency (ESA), is to deliver a reference User Equipment (UE) for 5G satellite-terrestrial communications as part of the UniCore project.

Telespazio UK awarded ESA contract for the development of Navigation Techniques utilising Machine Learning Applied to Signals of Opportunity

As part of the ESA’s Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NavISP), Telespazio UK is excited to announce that it has been awarded the contract for the development of Navigation Techniques utilising Machine Learning Applied to Signals of Opportunity (MaLASO).

Telespazio UK through recently acquired company, e2E, wins UniCore contract with ESA

Telespazio UK, a subsidiary of Telespazio (a joint venture between Leonardo, 67%, and Thales, 33%) is delighted to announce that it has been awarded the UniCore contract through e2E group. The contract, awarded by the European Space Agency (ESA), is to deliver a reference User Equipment (UE) for 5G satellite-terrestrial communications as part of the UniCore project.

Telespazio UK awarded ESA contract for the development of Navigation Techniques utilising Machine Learning Applied to Signals of Opportunity

As part of the ESA’s Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NavISP), Telespazio UK is excited to announce that it has been awarded the contract for the development of Navigation Techniques utilising Machine Learning Applied to Signals of Opportunity (MaLASO).

Love Planet Earth 2024

The 2024 Love Planet Earth calendar offers a journey through 12 regions of the planet, where nature, thanks to space technologies, is showcasing its resilience.

About Us

About Us

Telespazio UK is one of Europe's leading players in the space applications and services sector, with more than 40 years' experience providing consulting, technology and engineering services.


Joining Telespazio UK means working in a multi-disciplinary, multicultural environment, together with intelligent and motivated people. Are you looking to pursue technical excellence, have an unparalleled enthusiasm for the domains in which you work, and mix teamwork with individual freedom?




We pride ourselves on our innovation, being part of one of the world's first companies operating in the space services sector.