EO for Africa Symposium

ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy  23 September 2024

Telespazio UK is contributing to several sessions at the Earth Observation (EO) for Africa Symposium (23-26 September 2024) which is being hosted by the European Space Agency (ESA) at its ESRIN site in Frascati, Italy.

The symposium aims to showcase the latest R&D EO Science and Applications achievements relevant for the African continent; Further facilitate international EO R&D collaborations across Africa and Europe; Continue the user-driven process of capturing EO high-priority topics for future R&D and capacity development joint efforts; Share information about future EO missions, digital technology, and the related opportunities; Discuss the challenges and opportunities to accelerate the integration of downstream services in operational solutions.

Telespazio will be involved in the following sessions:

WaSCIA: Addressing Water Stress and Drought in Senegal through the Integration of EO and Climate Data
24 September, 11:45am-12pm (CET)
Earth Observation Climate Scientist, Scott Burgan, will be presenting.
(Learn more about WaSCIA)

A Cloud-Optimised EO Sil Water Stress Algorithm for Africa
Poster presentation by RSS-Hydro, in which Telespazio UK is a co-author.

Climate Change and Adaptation
25 September, 3pm-4:30pm (CET)
Panel session chaired by Senior Geo Information Consultant, Erlinda Biescas

Disaster Resilience and Management
26 September, 8:45am-10:15am (CET)
Panel session chaired by Senior Geo Information Consultant, Erlinda Biescas