Verification, Validation
& Test (VV&T)

Telespazio UK takes a leading role in the definition, planning and execution of integration, validation, verification and acceptance testing activities for satellite communications system implementations.

Specific expertise is offered in relation to ground and user segment testing, well backed by our experience in space segment testing, notably related to the performance of satellite communications payloads, TT&C subsystem operation and satellite in-orbit and compatibility testing.

We are typically engaged to support large global and regional satellite delivery systems comprising segments, subsystems and assemblies provided through a diverse range of recognised manufacturers and suppliers. Our expertise is mainly applied to satellite communication systems (GEO, MEO and LEO).

Telespazio UK is greatly placed to either lead or support the definition and implementation of VV&T activities across the end-to-end system lifecycle.

Ensuring success for our clients

Discover how we provide VV&T support to our clients in the space industry.

Global Xpress Cyprus test campaign support

Government satellite in-orbit test support