Telespazio UK provides suitable levels of evidence-based assurance associated with system operation and in-field performance of communication services against targeted performance criteria. Such activities typically encompass a planned set of functions and tasks that are used to provide visibility that the engineering procedures applied, methods used, processes followed and regulatory conformance claimed can be substantiated with collected evidence. This evidence aids in providing confidence that the system and/or service offering conforms to specification and is fit for purpose.
Specific tasks associated with this assurance capability are tailored, accounting for criteria such as the actual lifecycle stage, commitments made about the assurance provided and client expectations. In the case of service assurance, consideration is given to the communication services provided, associated service level agreement (SLA) criteria, and overall resilience and robustness.
Assurance expertise
- Assurance definition, plans and use cases
- Configuration management (software/hardware)
- Quality assurance and quality control
- Product assurance
- Auditing
- Availability/Reliability Engineering Analysis
- Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA/Failure Mode Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
- Fault Detection, Isolation & Recovery (FDIR) analysis and design
- Maintenance and Support
- Safety engineering
- Security assurance
Ensuring success for our clients
Discover how Telespazio UK provides engineering assurance to its clients.