Case Studies
Satellite-Structural Health Monitoring (S-SHM)
Installing structural health monitoring systems in various structures is a complex and cumbersome process because the size and shape of structures vary significantly. Telespazio combines satellite-derived data with Building Information Models (BIM) using structural stability algorithms to calculate the structural health of assets in 3D.
Telespazio’s Satellite-Structural Health Monitoring (S-SHM) service integrates satellite-derived InSAR measurements of displacement with BIM using structural stability algorithms to calculate the structural health of assets in 3D (see figure below). S-SHM can achieve lower per-asset cost by sensing from the satellite rather than placing in-situ sensors on the asset. S-SHM offers:
- Regular monitoring of structural movement of assets and ground deformation
- Alerts raised when movement rate threshold is breached
- Customisable thresholds – we work with engineers to set suitable alert levels
- Asset model visualisation in 3D to target where field inspection is required

S-SHM provides the following benefits to asset managers:
- Preventive maintenance
- Long-term reliability
- Ideal for remote and hazardous sites
- No in-situ installation required
- No asset downtime required
- Customisable and cost-effective
- Large area coverage
Find out more on S-SHM in the Geomatics World article
Hinkley Point
Detecting land-cover change is one of the most important applications of remote sensing. In recent years, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites has been increasingly used for change detection studies because of the advantages it offers over optical images, including its independence of atmospheric and sunlight conditions. Telespazio takes advantage of access to high spatial and temporal resolution COSMO-SkyMed SAR data provided by e-GEOS to conduct Coherence Change Detection (CCD) analysis and interpretation to support clients interested in enhancing their land management strategy.
CCD detects structural and temporal changes by comparing SAR images of the same area that are captured at different times. From a monitoring perspective, CCD can be used to observe the overall evolution of an area by identifying which features on the ground have become permanent. The figure on the right illustrates a simplistic subset of a site that has benefited from CCD analysis, with red indicating areas of change and blue indicating unchanged areas. Digging deeper, Telespazio UK can link this information to temporal changes in land use and land cover, providing valuable and actionable insight.
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