Farnborough International Space Show

Farnborough International Conference Centre  19 March 2025

Telespazio UK was at the Farnborough International Space Show 2025 on 19-20 March 2025.

We welcomed a range of visitors to our stand and contributed to the conference programme, where our experts shared insights on a range of topics.

Keynote: Earthbound Problems, Spacebound Solutions
Sarah Macken – CEO, Telespazio UK

Panel: Advancing PNT and Secure Communications – Overcoming Challenges and Meeting Future Needs

Theme: Security and Defence

Martin Bransby – Head of Navigation, Telespazio UK

Keynote: Novel Laser Communication Technology

Talking about ALIGN project which focuses on an InterSat link for CubeSats. Telespazio UK is providing the main processing and software within the payload.

Eamon Scullion – Professor of Space Physics, Northumbria University