SUMMIT-SHM™ is a cutting-edge motion monitoring system based on GNSS technology designed to deliver high accuracy 3D motion monitoring in real time. The state-of-the-art design is opimised for fixed man-made structures like dams, bridges, buildings and natural features such as landslides, volcanoes or ground subsidence.
System Design
The system is composed of two elements –GNSS monitoring stations, and the SUMMIT-SHM™ central processing engine. The monitoring stations can be easily installed on the points of interest without affecting previous systems or installations so it is ideal for retrofitting existing structures without disruption. The communication between the monitoring points and the central processing engine is achieved through any available network infrastructure such as fibre optics, wireless or mesh.
Processing Engine
The high accuracy of the system is achieved by means of a Real-Time Kinematic processing of the GNSS signals and further advanced mathematical filtering to reduce measurement noise to a minimum.
User Interface
The system has an intuitive user interface which shows the motion vectors of all the monitoring points in a variety of easily understandable display modes. The system also supports the download of historic data for further analysis. SUMMIT-SHM™ can be locally accessed through a web browser from any computer connected to the local network. Remote operation is possible through using the SUMMIT Cloud.
Designed for Automation
SUMMIT-SHM™ is designed for long-term unattended operation for efficient and trouble free monitoring. The open architecture enables easy integration with legacy instrumentation systems. Proactive supervision of the health of SUMMIT-SHM™ runs 24/7.
The secure servers in the cloud give engineers secure access to data of all assets in near real-time from any location. All system parameters can be updated remotely and a web service module transfers the information to a secure webpage at regular intervals. All data queries and configuration can therefore be performed remotely.
Modern Compact Design
SUMMIT-SHM™ uses a multi-threaded and multi-tasking design on Linux 64-bit architecture. The processing engine is hosted on a compact hardware unit with no movable parts. It is capable of enduring harsh conditions, dramatically reducing the chances of hardware failure and ensuring trouble-free, long-term operation.