The ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Open Data Portal provides a single point of access to a stable, long‐term set of satellite‐based Essential Climate Variable (ECV) data products for climate modellers and researchers. There are currently over 30 ECV projects focusing on ECVs such as Sea Surface Temperature, Aerosols, Glaciers and Soil Moisture.
Telespazio UK acts as a “shop window” for the CCI programme, consistently presenting all ECV data to users. The portal enables data discovery, access and visualisation with a variety of data access protocols available, including WMS, WCS, FTP and OPeNDAP.
As the prime contractor for the Climate Data Store (CDS), Telespazio UK leads all aspects of the software / systems design and build, using an Agile development approach. A highly diverse set of users (that includes policy makers, experts and scientists) can browse the catalogue, refine searches, retrieve products, view tools compatible with the data search results and execute operations on the data using these tools. Users can also develop applications that make use of the CDS’s content.