Telespazio and Leonardo to launch #T-TeC 2021, the Open Innovation contest which will be stopping at Expo 2020 Dubai

Today sees the launch of the third edition of #T-TeC, the Telespazio Technology Contest, an Open Innovation initiative that for the first time will be open to students and researchers from universities and departments worldwide. It will also be a key moment at Expo 2020 Dubai.

01 July 2021 17:00

  • #T-TeC is dedicated to students and researchers from around the world with the aim of promoting technological innovation in the space industry to the young generations
  • The stage for this year's edition of the Space-dedicated Open Innovation contest will be the Italy Pavilion at World Expo hosted in the United Arab Emirates.

The third edition of #T-TeC, the Telespazio Technology Contest, an Open Innovation initiative, will be open to students and researchers from universities and departments worldwide, for the first time. and this year will live a key moment at Expo 2020 Dubai.

With #T-TeC, Telespazio and Leonardo aim to promote technological innovation within the space sector among the young generations, enhancing the value of their ideas and insights and imagining with them the technologies that will make a mark on our future. The 2021 edition coincides with the sixtieth anniversary of the foundation of Telespazio, a company that has made innovation its hallmark and that has always striven to discover the pioneers of the future, an attitude that is as true today as on its establishment in 1961.

This initiative is one of the activities promoted by Leonardo for Open Innovation: a sharing of innovation that has taken on a key role in promoting new ideas and opportunities, with a long-term vision set out in the Be Tomorrow – Leonardo 2030 strategic plan.

For the 2021 edition of #T-TeC, teams of students and researchers will challenge each other in four technological macro-themes of great importance to the present and future of the space sector: “Space Exploration”, “In-Orbit Servicing”, “GeoInformation Applications and Platforms”, and “Space Situation Awareness & Space Traffic Management”.

A panel of judges made up of representatives from Telespazio and Leonardo, industry experts, and representatives from a number of space agencies will select three winning teams who will be awarded €10,000 (1st prize), €6,000 (2nd prize) and €4,000 (3rd prize). The judging panel will also select four special mentions, one for each macro-theme in the competition, and will assess the possibility of funding the most promising ideas with research contracts or working collaborations.

To mark the week that Expo 2020 Dubai will be dedicating to Space, participants in the contest will have the chance to connect with the Italy Pavilion to ask questions and seek advice from Leonardo and Telespazio's team of experts, who will be meeting Emirati start-ups and university academics for the occasion. From there, #T-TeC will continue until 14 November, the closing day of the contest, when the stage of the Italy Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai will again be the setting for the award ceremony in December.

Leonardo is one of the sponsors of the Italy Pavilion and will take part in Expo 2020 Dubai by bringing some outstanding examples of space technology to the event, including an atomic clock and the drill to be used in the ESA ExoMars 2022 mission to Mars. The company will also set out its vision for the future of aeronautics as represented by the AW609 technology, the tiltrotor that will revolutionise vertical mobility.

How to participate

#T-TeC 2021 is open to students (graduates and non-graduates), PhDs and  researchers from all universities in the world that deal with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects. It is possible to participate individually or in groups, or through teams made up of researchers belonging to departments of different universities and countries.

For the 2021 edition of the # T-TeC they will be able to choose to compare themselves between four technological macro-themes:

  1. Space Exploration
  2. In Orbit Servicing
  3. Geo Information Applications and Platforms
  4. Space Situation Awareness & Space Traffic Management

Innovations can concern:

  • Enabling hardware and software technologies that can be integrated at a higher level and that allow their use in different solutions, environments and scenarios;
  • Implementation of physical / mathematical models in tools and algorithms for modelling and simulating complex operational scenarios;
  • Vision of the high-level architecture, performance and interfaces between the various components of the system, which includes an analysis of economic-technological feasibility together with the related usage scenarios

The different proposals must present at least one of the innovations described above.

The Proposal Format and the PPT must be sent (in English) by email to by 14 November 2021.